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       Home > FAQ > {Guide6} System > [shipping enable]Basic Plan*
Shipping setting by amt
1.       System has been preset 5 ways for you to use(see note i), please go to the demoshop and take a  look at shipping instructions, if you think this is suitable for you, please follow these steps to enable it.

2.       How to enable:

Step 1) Enable Shipping Function  :
Login to to your Contrl Panel >> "System" >> "Shipping" >> Select the shipping method that you want to enable adn press "edit" >> Choose  "Ture" in Enable Zones Method .
(If you need different setting, see noteii)
Step 2)  Edit "Shipping" page. (When you finish, there will be a page "Shipping" next to “T & C” )
Login to to your Contrl Panel  >> ”Page Content" >> "DIY Page 05" >>  Enter ”Shipping" in "Page title name" >> Enter inforemation that you need. (You can refer to Demoshop shipping page, see noteiii)
i)     5 Ways for shipping
Shipping method 1  :  Hong Kong - MTR  face to face    

Shipping method 2  :  Hong Kong - Local mail
Shipping method 3  :  Hong Kong - Local mail + registered       
Shipping method 4  :  Hong Kong - DHL
Shipping method 5  :  Oversea - Air mail     
ii)  Modify shipping fee
All delivery fee are calculated in Hong Kong as the sending countries. If the seller is in other countries or you want to make any discount, please modify the talble. (After edit "System" > "Shipping" , do not forget to edit the Shipping page).  click here

iii)    Refer demoshop shipping page

Notice : It the words is suitable for you, you can copy all words to your shop and use them.  Remember to check all the ”Hyperlinks” need to edit or not. Please remember to download and upload all picture to your shop.
iv)            Countries:  
Go "System" >> "Countries" >> See the country that you have set shipping >> you can add new country ot delete them if necessary.

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