If your name does not officially open to others, we suggest you to get a new one. Because it is the quickest and easiest way, moreover, no additional cost involved (a "new domain" of .com / .org / .net registration already included in our eshop plans). That newly registered domain will be directly hosted and merged with the eshop system in a quick and easy way. But on the contrary, if you really want to keep using the "current domain" for your eshop, No problem! You can request a "Domain Migration-in" service, we will transfer your existing domain from your exising hosting company to ours. "Domain Migration-in" service is under promotion, so it is free now (Original fees is $ 250/domain). You can seach a "new domain" in the following link: http://actlog.net/domain_whois.htm For more information or query, please contact us.
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